ESA Dual Level Membership Form

Valid for two people, one must be an adult. Membership cards will be mailed within five to 10 days. Express mail is not available. This membership is valid for three weeks until payment is received and then it will be extended for the year of membership, according to the date application was made. You may request to pick up at the museum and you will be emailed when the membership cards are available.

Primary Member, must be an Adult(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)
Which option best describes you?
Select a type of dual membership:(Required)
Name of Member named on cards(Required)
Birth Date if the person on the cards is a child
Name of second adult person on cards (optional)
Please choose how you would prefer to receive your cards:(Required)
How did you hear about WonderLab Memberships?(Required)

Email Preferences(Required)
Please inform us as to your email preferences