About WonderLab
The WonderLab Museum of Science, Health and Technology is an award-winning science museum located on the B-Line Trail in the heart of the Bloomington Entertainment and Arts District. WonderLab was incorporated as a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization in 1995 and a core group of volunteers began to offer hands-on science outreach services at community events. In 1998, WonderLab opened in its first physical location, a small space in the historic Wicks Building on the north side of the Bloomington courthouse square. The present two-story facility and garden opened to the public on March 29, 2003, and since then more than one million visitors have been served.
Who We Are: WonderLab is a family-focused science museum with interactive exhibits and programs that stimulate curiosity, encourage discovery and inspire lifelong learning.
What We Do: WonderLab ignites a love of science through learning that is experiential, inclusive and fun, and amplifies the role science plays in the world.
Why it Matters: WonderLab envisions a brighter, more equitable and sustainable future shaped by curious and creative problem-solvers empowered by science.
Read the 2024-2026 WonderLab Strategic Plan Summary

Memberships & Partnerships
The Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) is a nonprofit organization of science centers and museums dedicated to furthering public engagement with science among increasingly diverse audiences.
The Bloomington Entertainment & Arts District (BEAD) is a downtown cultural district with ten distinct character areas. The BEAD website includes a cultural events calendar.
The Alliance of Bloomington Museums (ABM) promotes the diverse range of cultural and educational resources that member museums offer to visitors.
Downtown Bloomington Inc. (DBI) is a nonprofit membership organization focused on the continued revitalization of Downtown Bloomington, Indiana.
Visit Bloomington is the destination marketing organization for Bloomington and Monroe County, Indiana, positively impacting the local economy and culture through tourism development.
The City of Bloomington Volunteer Network is your one-stop source for volunteer information in Bloomington and Monroe County.
Statement of Solidarity – Black Lives Matter
Sent to WonderLab Members June 4, 2020
Dear WonderLab Community Members, It is impossible not to feel the pain of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis or the death of Dreasjon “Sean” Reed, McHale Rose and Chris Beaty from our Indianapolis hometown in recent days. We mourn these individuals and others …….. Read the full statement.