Lester P. Bushnell WonderGarden

This outdoor area between the museum building and the B-Line Trail is a natural oasis with flowers, vegetables, herbs, native woodland plants, and seating. In 2015, a new tower was installed as a nesting area for Chimney Swifts, which come through Bloomington in the fall and spring as part of their migration pattern. The garden offers the opportunity to closely observe nature through the seasons, and includes exhibits about solar power and the science of sound.

WonderGarden features:


The GardenQ hybrid worm composting system, is a unique layered setup that is used year-round. It is roughly 6′ x 6′,  and is installed in a berm at the north end of the WonderGarden.

Red-wiggler worms, added in May 2022, are turning food scraps into rich soil through a process called vermicomposting. WonderLab’s goal is to lessen our impact on landfills and reduce C02 emissions. Putting ALL museum food waste into this new composting system is a great start. Take a peek at this large, permanent compositing exhibit when you stroll through the WonderGarden.

WonderWorms Registry

When you donate to the WonderGarden, you can Adopt a Worm. With a minimum gift of $25, you may submit a name for your worm and it will be added to the official Worm Registry below! One name per donor please.

  • Bonny B
  • Cecily
  • Patrick
  • Herman
  • Bretitto
  • Frances
  • Terry Potato
  • Willie Wiggle
  • Hermy Gramswormy
  • Squiggles Wiggles the 3rd
  • Universal Basic Income
  • Wormsworth
  • Kevin
  • Will Nye the Science Worm
  • Ian Carrico
  • Zippy
  • Mwydyn
  • Jabba
  • Glaurung
  • Michelangelo
  • Neville
  • Tree-tree
  • Squirmy
  • “Braz” Brazzelton
  • Nancy White
  • Valentine McKee
  • Mrs. Maisel
  • Wormy McWormface
  • $tuuie
  • wormgeonix

Support the WonderGarden

We put every penny to work! Your donation will keep the WonderGarden blooming for years to come.

Be sure to check out the Captain Janeway memorial, a local homage to science and Star Trek, on the B-line trail just west of the WonderGarden. Learn More