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WonderLab will be open to the public on MLK day from 9am – 5pm with reduced admission prices.

Ticket Prices

  • $5 General Public Admission
  • Free for Access Pass
  • Free for Members

Special activities include: A Day of Service with WonderLab – Help pack warming kits for Beacon Street Outreach or craft toys for the animals at Bloomington Animal Shelter.

When you visit: Bring a donation for Beacon Shelter and / or Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard – help us serve our community! Suggested donation items include:

  • For Beacon Shelter: gloves, lip balm, Hot Hands, socks, blankets, hats
  • For Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard: formula, mac and cheese, nut butters and jelly/jam, cereal, juice,  No-nut granola bars, baby food, diapers sizes 4, 5, 6 and pull-ups

Donation bins will be located inside the entrance of the museum. All donations will be given directly to the organizations.

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