Tuesdays in September
Science Sprouts is a weekly science enrichment program designed especially for infants, toddlers and their families. At an early age, infants and toddlers have the ability to explore and observe the world around them. Infants and toddlers are natural scientists, and Science Sprouts is a time for them to explore, experiment, and build skills ranging from physical development to social emotional development. Every week we will practice the skills of exploring, hypothesizing, testing, and sharing results. Science Sprouts offers an opportunity for hands-on science exploration in a supportive, community-oriented environment.
Biology is the study of living things and how they relate to each other. It’s like a big puzzle where scientists try to understand how plants, animals, and even tiny creatures like bacteria and fungi, live, grow, and interact with each other and their environment. This month in Science Sprouts we will introduce topics such as life cycles, habitats, food chains, cells, and more! Science Sprouts supports children’s language, cognitive, and motor development with play, art, and hands-on activities. Caregivers will also learn about their child’s development and how it relates to learning. Science Sprouts is recommended for children aged 0-3, caregivers, and siblings.
A robust body of research shows that the first three years are the most sensitive period for brain development. There are many early childhood education programs, but few of them take into account the unique developmental needs of infants and toddlers; sometimes called “sensory-motor learners.” By providing a program designed SPECIFICALLY for infants toddlers, we recognize that this is an essential time of development that requires unique tools and teaching.
Hands-on activities may include:
- Singing songs about the life cycles of plants
- Exploring the world around us with magnifying glasses and microscopes
- Creating art with natural materials
10 – 10:30 a.m. EST
Topic: Biology
Location: WonderLab
Masks Optional
Cost: Free with Admission