07-First-Time Parent Member Application

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: This membership is limited to first-time parents with a child (or multiples) under 18 months old. Membership will expire at the end of the month the child turns 18 months. (e.g., birth date 10/1/2022 would expire 4/30/2024). Families may enroll up to two named adults and qualifying infant (s). These names cannot be changed in the membership period. The Primary Adult must be the parent or guardian.

Primary Adult: (must be parent or guardian of child listed)(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)
How did you hear about this membership?
Second Adult: Can be a partner, or grandparent of child(ren). If there is no second adult, please just put "none" in the required fields.(Required)
Street Address (if different from Primary member)
Child's Name: (for twins, triplets, etc., use a comma)(Required)
Child's birth date: (Child must be under 18 months of age.)(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.