Daily schedules will be posted at each location.
Daily schedules will be posted at each location.
WonderCamp staff will do our best to meet your camper where they are, however, if your camper is not able [...]
If your camper comes to camp with any medications you will be asked to fill out a Medical Action Plan. [...]
No. If camp is canceled due to an event out of the control of WonderLab (weather event etc.) there will [...]
The best way to communicate with camp staff is in person at drop-off or pick-up. If you need to pick-up [...]
Each camper needs to bring a lunch and a water bottle. Please note: there is no microwave or fridge at [...]
Campers will be released to authorized persons only-if their name is on the camper information card. If you need to [...]
Luvys - anything you might be sad about if it gets misplaced or damaged Cellphones Toys (pokemon cards) NOTE: WonderCamp [...]
Spring Break WonderCamp Loesch Farm Summer WonderCamp University Elementary School School of Education Kent Farm Loesch Farm Hilltop Garden WonderLab
All camps: 9am to 4pm, drop off between 8:30am - 9am and pick up between 4pm and 4:30pm. Spring Break [...]