WonderLab’s Science of Sound month continues this weekend with live music. Cellists from the studio of Professor Emilio Colón at the Jacobs School of Music will occupy WonderLab for one day only on Sunday, November 11 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. filling the galleries with live music.
“The intimacy of the music is the most important part,” said Emmy Brockman, the WonderLab education director. “The kids have probably heard cellos before, but maybe they’ve never been a foot away from a professional playing their instrument. We’re fostering connections between the community and its musicians, just like with we are with local scientists.”
After each musical session, cellists will be available to chat and answer any questions guests might have. Cellists will also give quick talks about the science of their instruments and the potential materials used for different parts, like the strings or the bow.
“Music is just one of many tools that can help children who might not learn best in a traditional environment,” said Brockman. “It can be a didactic tool for learning other subjects, like math and science, and is an exciting topic, itself.”
Hello Cello is free with admission and is a part of WonderLab’s ongoing Science of Sound exploration, taking place throughout November. Listen to the music and explore the science from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 11.
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