WonderLab’s expansion of adult programs gives adults a variety of educational and fun activities to explore with their friends. The new adult programing will be a permanent addition to WonderLab’s schedule. There are eight adult events scheduled for the next twelves months and more event concepts in the works. These programs include the continuation of the popular WonderLab After Dark and the introduction of two new programs: Study Break and a new adult lecture series. WonderLab will continue to add new programs to the calendar throughout the year.
“The goal of the series is to get adults in the community excited about coming to WonderLab,” said WonderLab Museum Educator, Jared Katz and designer of the adult series. “Too many activities for adults are passive, such as going to a movie or a concert. WonderLab adult programs are designed as alternatives to routine, to get adults actively engaged with new subjects; to get (them) excited about learning something new. This new variety of events is designed to help make adults feel comfortable coming to WonderLab. We are an interactive science museum for all ages.”
WonderLab’s adult programing is part of a continued commitment to the hands-on science education of people of all ages. WonderLab believes science learning is a lifelong pursuit and seeks to create hands-on experience that appeals to the kid in everyone.
Katz explains the value of hands on education available to adults at the WonderLab. “For kids all the way through high school learning is a very hands on experience. As soon as you get to college, unless you’re in a hard science lab that switches to a more passive lecture style where you’re either watching, listening, or reading. You get very focused on one learning style. You lose the sort of hands-on engagement which is a very important way to learn. We want to give adults the opportunity to learn in different ways that they don’t typically get to in their day to day lives.”
After Dark events are large scale events where adults aged 21 year or older get the opportunity to experience the wonder of hands on science while enjoying local food and drink with family and friends. After Dark features a different science theme for each date, with fun activities which are sure to challenge patrons brains while putting a smile on their face. It’s an opportunity for adults to leave their inhibitions at home, and rediscover how much fun it can be to play.
“It is rare to find festive activities for adults in their 20s and 30s that revolve around science,” said Mallory Elver, WonderLab Annual Giving and Stewardship Manager. “WonderLab After Dark takes key aspects of an exciting night on the town–local drink, delicious Bloomington food, and more–and fuses this ‘night out’ with enriching educational activity,”
For suggestions and thoughts about WonderLab’s adult programing contact Jared Katz on social media: @museumeduc8or or contact him directly at the museum.
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