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Press Releases
WonderLab Celebrates 25th Anniversary with the Return of BubbleFest as a Two-Day Museum Event
WonderLab is turning 25! To celebrate we’re relaunching our popular BubbleFest and everyone’s invited! WonderLab Museum of Science, Health, and Technology is bringing back its popular BubbleFest event for a [...]
The World Needs WonderLab
The Importance of Learning Through Play for Both Enjoyment and Development When children are doing an activity they love, they often lose track of time. Flow is a mental state [...]
WonderLab Welcomes Jaime Miller to the Board of Directors
Jaime Miller, Ready Schools Coordinator, Richland Bean Blossom Community School Corporation WonderLab is excited to welcome the newest member of the WonderLab Board of Directors, Jaime Miller. Jaime [...]
WonderLab Welcomes Lauren Kucera to the Board of Directors
Lauren Kucera, Global Manager of Material Science and Regulation, Cook Medical WonderLab is excited to welcome Lauren Kucera to the WonderLab Board of Directors. Lauren joined the board [...]
WonderLab Welcomes Wisk Derifond to the Board of Directors
Wisk Derifond, Senior Product Development Engineer, Research & Development, Disposables Haemonetics WonderLab Museum is honored to welcome Wisk Derifond, MBA, to the WonderLab Board of Directors. Wisk is [...]
Hear What Happens at the Molecular Level
What sounds do molecules make? Find out with Indiana University Undergraduate, Walker Smith. Walker has led research to figure out the answer. Visit WonderLab to experience his immersive show “Sound [...]
WonderLab Welcomes Caitlin Keller & Philemon Yebei to the Board of Directors
WonderLab is excited to welcome the newest members of the WonderLab Board of Directors, Caitlin Keller and Philemon Yebei. Caitlin is a Supervisor in Manufacturing Sciences and Technology at Catalent [...]
It’s Time to Get Kids Back to Nature
WonderCamper at Hilltop Gardens in 2021. Photo by Andrea Golden. The George E. Archer Foundation and WonderLab share a vision for the future. A future where children play [...]
WonderLab Welcomes Nicole Griffin to the Board of Directors
Photo courtesy of Nicole Griffin. WonderLab is excited to welcome the newest member of the WonderLab Board of Directors, Nicole Griffin. Nicole will serve on the Board of [...]
CenterPoint Energy Foundation and Hoosiers Read award $250,000 grant to bring Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to Monroe County
Representatives from the Community Foundation, CenterPoint Energy Foundation, and Hoosiers Read gathered last month for the special announcement at WonderLab Museum. All local children ages birth to five are eligible [...]
WonderLab Receives $26,000 Lilly Endowment Youth Program Resilience Fund Grant for COVID-19 Relief
WonderLab has received a $26,000 grant through the Youth Program Resilience Fund (YPRF) of Lilly Endowment Inc. to aid in addressing COVID-19 related expenses. The museum was one of the [...]
WonderLab’s Mask Requirement to Remain in Place
The new CDC mask guidelines were released to the public in mid-May (Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People Shortly after came the announcement from the Monroe County Health [...]